Bugged out Big Dipper Wayward One-off

Calling all anglers, Justin here from Wayward. Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you about Tina Lewis, the creative powerhouse behind Wayward Trading Post, a Pennsylvania woodshop with a mission to turn functional art into a way of life.
What is Wayward? It's not just a woodshop; it's a testament to the marriage of functionality and beauty. Tina Lewis, the maestro of this operation, has been sculpting custom fly fishing nets for years. Each piece is more than just a tool for landing your prized catch; it's a handcrafted wood landing net that tells a story of passion and precision.

Tina's journey, outlined on our website's "Our Story" page, unveils the dedication and love she pours into every piece. It's a story worth exploring, much like the waters these wooden fishing nets are destined to navigate.

 We've got an ongoing auction that might just be the answer to winning Christmas this year. Picture this – a full-sized Big Dipper boat net made with walnut, cherry, and hickory. It's not just any wooden trout net; it's a personalized fly fishing net featuring a golden stonefly nymph encased in transparent epoxy.

Speaking of golden stonefly nymphs, here's a quick factoid for you: these little critters are a staple in the diet of trout, undergoing a fascinating transformation from egg to nymph to adult. Nature's artistry, much like what Tina encapsulates in her creations.
The inspiration for this particular net came from @pesca_vida on Instagram, who sent in some Nymph shucks he collected this season. Tina took those shucks, played with the bubbles, and created an underwater atmosphere within the void of the net. It's not just a handcrafted wood landing net; it's a living, breathing piece of art.
The auction? It's happening right now, but the clock is ticking, and it ends on November 23rd. So, if you're looking for the best fly fishing nets, a one-of-a-kind piece that stands out, head over to our website for all the details. This is the Wayward Trading Post signing off. Good luck, and may your angling adventures be as unique as the nets you wield.

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